Are you ready?

Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 12:35PM

Are you ready?

That’s a tough question with potentially several answers.
As it relates to what we do in CrossFit, our goal is to always be able to answer ‘yes’.
When we study CrossFit as coaches, we realize besides the local throwdowns and snatch PRs (both of which are fun, don’t get me wrong), what we are really doing when we all show up to the box is practicing GPP- General Physical Preparedness.
This is something I’ve really tried to keep in mind during the stay-at-home situation we currently find ourselves in.  Right now, it’s not all about trying to get the best time and beat your gym buddy in the daily WOD.  It’s not about the extra strict gymnastics work nor is it about the five-week strength progression to boost those squat numbers.  As important and enjoyable as those things can be, the key thing right now is to make sure we are all doing what we can to ‘stay ready’ for life.  There will come a time in the not-so-distant future, whether it be three days, three weeks or three months from now where we will be thrust back into our ‘normal’ daily routine.  When that day arrives, we will find ourselves in one of two camps: the one that is playing catch up and scrambling to get themselves readjusted, and the one that seamlessly transitions with confidence into the next phase. 
While I’m not just talking about fitness, I believe that our habits in the gym set the tone for who we are in the other aspects of our lives.  Are we generally prepared for what life will throw at us?  One thing I’ve gotten into the practice of during these stay-at-home days is checking in with myself in the morning to make sure I’m doing everything I can to be 1) physically able, 2) mentally tough (aka not making excuses but rather taking responsibility for EVERYTHING in my life) and 3) emotionally sound (not overreacting to events, big or small). 
Preparing yourself doesn’t have to be that serious, either.  You can start to learn that language you’ve always wanted to learn or brush up on the things you used to be passionate about.  You can fix that old bike in the garage and go for a ride.  Sharpen yourselves mentally so that when you are asked to return to normal, you walk into your career or social situations with the confidence that I know lies within us all.
So, do those burpees and chair step-ups and those glute bridges.  What may seem simple and repetitive now is helping to toughen you up and prepare you for what awaits when this is all over.  And when someone asks you if you’re ready, you can confidently say ‘absolutely’!!!

-Coach Zach

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